Patty Headshot


Graduate of Gonzaga University—  Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s in Counseling Psychology (1992)


Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the state of Washington.


Certification as a Life Coach in 2015 — from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPec). My major interest in coaching is around exploring life transitions—where the grit of life shows up and provides growth opportunities.


Outside of work, I enjoy hiking, walking, reading, cooking healthy meals, traveling and spending time with the people I love—my spouse, my grown children, grandchildren, friends and my very large extended family.

My Approach

I have created a counseling and coaching practice to address life’s deepest issues—to stand on sacred ground and be a witness as you seek meaning, balance and growth.  Some of the concepts we will explore together are: 

  • How to live with awareness and acceptance while learning skills to better manage stress and relationship challenges.
  • Identify long-standing patterns of thinking and behavior which no longer serve your life.
  • Envision where you want to be in your life; addressing purpose, passion, goals and strategies.
  • Create life-balance by engaging in holistic practices which address body, mind and spirit.
Patty Headshot

About Patty

I was born and raised in Spokane and continue to love all Spokane has to offer! I am Mother to 3 grown children and grandmother to 6 - all adding to my joy, fun and adventure. I've been married to Scott for 5 decades - a partner along this life journey.

I am one of a huge clan who have provided a safety net of love for me as I've made my way through life's many ups and downs and amidst profound losses. I am a graduate of Gonzaga University--earning both a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master's in Counseling Psychology (1992).

I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and have enjoyed private practice for over 30 years. I earned a certification as a Life Coach in 2015--studying at the prestigious Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. (iPec)

I am "semi-retired” following Covid - and now desire to create a limited practice to address life's deepest issues - to stand with you on sacred ground and be a witness as you seek meaning and balance and experience growth in your life.

Choosing to engage in counseling and/or Life coaching is Bold and Brave!

Bravo and Welcome.

I see clients on Fridays in-office and will offer limited telehealth sessions.

Patty Headshot

Choosing to engage in counseling and/or Life coaching is Bold and Brave!

Bravo and Welcome.

I see clients on Fridays in-office and will offer limited telehealth sessions.